I had a specific pose that I wanted to try to get, but didn't know if I'd be able to pull it off due to my lack of a real 'studio' or really even very much space to get it all done.
So, after getting home from work, I asked her to put on the dress I had in mind, a bright pink dress she bought for a wedding, and I got busy setting up the shot.
We started off with a few of the poses I had in mind, then changed it up a bit and tried a few other shots as well. I was right that we didn't really have enough room to pull off the actual pose I wanted to get because she couldn't extend her arm all of the way and I couldn't get her feet in the picture either. So, I had to crop in a little bit so that I could get the entire background as uniform as possible, without seeing the outer edges of the bedskirt I was using as a background.
But, we ended up getting a picture that was very similar to what I had in mind. If I thoguht Paige could jump without hurting herself or the baby, I would have tried something like that too, but even not pregnant, she doesn't have hopps, so I didn't want to push my luck with the baby!
Below is the end result. I had to over expose slightly to blow out the background so that it went completely white, then clone out some of the wrinkles you could still see.
Oh, and if you noticed, her dress wasn't bright pink any more either. In Photoshop, I used a "replace color" tool that allowed me to select all of the different shades of pink of her dress, then adjust the hue to get a different collor. It ended up changing some of her skin color too (since there is some pink in her skin) but a quick layer mask got rid of that. I thought light blue would be a little more appropriate for a baby boy than the bright pink dress...just a personal opinion.

Let me know what you think.
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