I wanted to get another picture to kind of showcase her belly. I thought that by using cross lighting, I could get a nice shadow going right down the middle of her belly to really show off the bump and really bring out some of the detail of the curve.
Both of the lights are set at the same power to try to get the same amount of light on either side of her body, but the left light was placed slightly in front of her and the back light was slightly behind her, so I cross-lit her at an angle. I thought this would bring a little more shadow on her body and give it a little more of a 'key & rim light' feel.
It took a little bit to get the light placement and camera settings the way I wanted, but I was pretty happy with the way it came out.
I really like the 'low key' style of pictures because it really makes your subject stand out against a black background and I think the darkness really gives it a different feeling.
I wish I would have gotten more definition in her clothes, so they didn't look like they completely blend in with the background, but I guess I could go in and change that up a bit in PS if I wanted to.
Anyway, I'm sure there will be more of these pictures to come as her belly continues to get bigger!
Let me know what you think.

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