These are pretty lame, but they are the best that I could come up with in the limited amount of time I had to get stuff put together. I've got a cheap macro attachment for my lens that is a lot of fun to play around with. It would be fun having an actual macro lens, but this attachment gets me some pretty interesting shots. You can get really close to your subject and it cuts the focal distance that is standard on your lens by about 80%, so it's a lot of fun to experiment with.
Along with cutting your focal distance, it completely narrows your depth of field as far as what stay in focus, so you've really only got a fraction of an inch that will be sharp.
So, I put the attachment on and played around with getting really close to a few things and seeing how they looked. When you get that close, it really takes the object out of context and almost makes an abstract picture with just a small portion of the object actually being visible.
So, I snapped a few that I thought were interesting and this is what you get. I know the round object picture is kind of out of focus, but I was hand holding both the camera and the object, so trying to keep them both in the same fraction of an inch focal range was tough.
Let me know what you think.
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