Around lunch time, I got his food out, put him in his high chair and went about feeding him. He's not exactly the most focused eater on the planet, so if there is anything even remotely interesting going on around the house or outside, he's looking around. He also really likes banging his hands on the table, which makes it difficulty getting a spoon in his mouth without having it knocked out of your hand all over the place.
So, needless to say, after his meals, he's usually pretty messy. Between grabbing food with his hands, moving his head right before food insertion and not being able to keep all of the food in his mouth, we've usually got some good cleanup to do.
But, today, rather than cleaning him up immediately, I decided to get a picture of him. We always try to capture fun, creative, 'clean' images of him, so I thought it would be really nice and fun to have a good messy picture. Food all over his face and smiling. I loved the picture and think that it will be a great memory to have.
It just makes me smile every time I look at this picture. I can hear his laugh and feel his happiness.