Over the last week, I've tried capturing several of the images I've been waiting to get of my newborn. I'll use this post to show off a few of those.
I had a list of several different kind of shots that I wanted to get. Some I still can't get yet since he isn't strong enough to completely hold up his head, some I just haven't had the chance to get yet, but I've been able to capture a few I am quite fond of and even a few that I hadn't planned on getting yet.
Isaac is a pretty content baby. He doesn't fuss too much and sleeps quite a bit, which is very helpful when trying to get his picture. He doesn't react too much to putting him in different positions or to moving him around to get the best light, so he has actually been very easy to work with.
It's been a lot of fun having him for these last couple of weeks and I can't wait to see what all we can get with him in the near future!
Let me know what you think.